Specially curated for your success
We are not defined by our failures! But how we navigate through our failures makes us who we are today. That's what recruiters wants to know, how you learn and bounce back from your failures. This series shares with you some approach you can take when answering questions about a time you failed.
007| 12 OCTOBER 2022
![[Cover] Tell Me About A Time You Failed.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3d8e8a_3e9b30c9b96a42f78b70af48530c5483~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_151,h_214,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BCover%5D%20Tell%20Me%20About%20A%20Time%20You%20Failed.png)
006 | 31 MARCH 2021
Just like how the charts-topping K-drama series, here we bring you a twist to it! Many of us have trouble waking up in the morning, from snoozing the alarm multiple times to rushing out of the house because we’re running late. In this series, we’ll share with you some of the successful morning habits and alternatives to start up your day!
Let’s look forward to embracing every morning!

Let's step into a new year with an expectant heart, not forgetting to reflect on the past year and take away key learnings. In a year that was faced with an unprecedented pandemic, we strengthen our resilience to keep fighting for what we want to achieve in 2021. No more pushing back!
005 | 6 JANUARY 2021

004 | 19 NOVEMBER 2020
Here's a compilation of the different questions that we have covered in this comprehensive series. This content is specially created to set you up for success when you are preparing for an interview. Help yourself to a digital copy and we wish you all the best!

Due to the ongoing pandemic, many of us may feel that we haven't been able to accomplish much, yet time just past us by.
Fret not because we've compiled some of the tips to help you get the most out of the remaining year. These tips will unveil how we can do things differently in this totally new climate, and still be able to achieve the results that we want to see.
003 | 1 OCTOBER 2020

This resource showcases a series of telecommuting job opportunities. Grab a digital copy of it to find out what are the best jobs for remote work.
002 | 9 SEPTEMBER 2020

001 | 7 JULY 2020
A series that brings you a new perspective from a recruiter's point of view, on some of the tips that you can adopt to place yourself at the top of the list.
When you show yourself to have an edge over the rest, half the battle is won. The following will showcase a series of short articles that you can read and get yourself a jumpstart when searching for a new career!